Shyam's Slide Share Presentations


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Friday, August 26, 2011


Role of IT as a part of the ISS in a non IT organization

Information Technology matters. But it is strategically relevant when aligned with management processes that can leverage the information it provide. Without this alignment neither the management processes nor the technology is optimized.

It is very difficult to have a correct measure of the investment needed on IT in non IT organizations. The chances of either going overboard or under investment are more than mere possibilities in such a scenario. The profound ignorance of the process owner and IT consultant in each other domain often comes in the way of correct investment. This may result in either unwelcome overheads or in ISS being less than a perfect vendor for the process. It will help considerably if the following actions are taken before investing.

Clarify corporate strategy with your IT department
Fund only IT projects that support your strategy
Transform IT investments into profits
Build one technology platform for your entire organization
Adopt new technologies only when their best practices are established

Developing Competency of the personnel

Lean management also calls for evolution of a process to identify the strategic job families. Evaluating & developing competency profiles that could contribute to the success of the strategy. Performing gap analysis between the existing competency and required level of competency and designing development programmes for bridging the gap.

Strategic planning is a huge and complex subject it cannot be covered in the scope of a single article. I have tried my best to dwell on the important and critical elements and the implementation tools. However it remains critical to an organization’s existence and sustenance. I request the readers to express their valuable opinions and help me in improving the article

 I am prepared to help and guide the organizations in implementing the various aspect of strategic management.

Management Institutions and B-Schools have a need to teach the basics of this important domain to their students. I am prepared to impart this to the students of the interested Institutions.

Organizations can contact me Here

Institutions can contact me Here

Best wishes,

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